
General Psychiatry & Geriatric and Adult Nurse Practitioner located in San Antonio, TX and St Petersburg, FL

Telehealth Services

Our telehealth clinic specializes in weight loss management and provides a thorough evaluation of potential complicating comorbidities that may affect weight loss efforts. Our monthly consultations cover client goals, diet and nutrition, exercise programs, and assessment of current medication dosing. Our objective is to assist clients in achieving a healthy weight with the lowest possible medication dosage to avoid side effects such as nausea and keep costs down.

We offer a standard monthly fee of $150, which can be conveniently paid through credit cards, debit cards, and Venmo during your visit. Additionally, you can utilize your FSA (flexible spending account) and HSA (health savings account) funds to pay for your visit.

If medications such as semaglutide or tirzepatide are necessary, they are compounded at a Texas pharmacy and can be shipped overnight directly from the pharmacy. Ultimately the pricing of the medication is up to the pharmacy, but we can offer additional information if interested.

We provide clients with a receipt for their visit, which can be submitted to insurance for direct reimbursement. If you have a commercial insurance plan, we will do our best to secure authorization for payment of your medication on your plan, but we cannot guarantee success in all cases.